How to mitigate tyre and road noise
Automotive Tire Noise and Vibrations: Analysis, Measurement and Simulation presents the latest generation mechanisms of tyre/road noise. The book focuses not only on tyre/road noise issues from the tyre/road structures, materials, and dynamics, but also from a whole vehicle system. The analyses cover finite element modelling, mathematical simulations, and experimental tests, including works done to mitigate noise. This book provides a summary of tyre noise and vibration research, with a focus on new simulation and measurement techniques.

The book covers new measurements techniques and simulation strategies that are critical in accurately assessing tire noise and vibration and provides recent simulation progress and findings of CAE on analysis of generation mechanisms of the tyre/road noise. It also features a Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) and model of a multilayer trim to enhance the sound absorption of tyre/road noise.
Automotive Tire Noise and Vibrations: Analysis, Measurement and Simulation is edited by Xu Wang and is available from the SAE Australasia website. List Price: $265.00. SAE-A member price: $212.00. Postage & Handling (Australia): $20.00.